Why I Write

I’ve been writing for about twelve years now and have gone through many stages - working every day for
a month on a story, constantly having new, fresh ideas float around my head, and then long dry spells where
I don’t so much as type a word. But, through all those years, one thing hasn’t changed.

Yes, I get distracted, overwhelmed, discouraged. I’ll start with big plans to write every day for a whole year,
post on my blog regularly, or finish an amazing story that I’ve been working on (on and off) for years. I might
start strong, then my plans crash. You’d think that through this crazy rollercoaster, I’d be sick of writing. I’m
married now, have a baby, and my life is going in new directions - certainly I can put down my pen and not feel
guilty about it.

Except for one thing - I love writing. I read an amazing book and I can’t wait to write my own. I start following
an inspiring blog and get excited about being more regular with mine. I read back on my journal entries from
a year ago and then write in my current one until my hand is about to fall off. I’ll read through the titles of the
hundreds (no kidding) of writing articles I’ve saved on Pinterest and then get super pumped to start my own
first (or 7th) draft.

With this realization, I discovered why I write. It’s not to impress others, to get more views on my blog, or to
even publish a best selling novel. It’s an outlet for me, where I can sit down and create something. It’s like an
artist who just wants to express his feelings or a dancer who hears a good song and starts to move. It’s not
for other people and it’s not always perfect. It’s where I can find relaxation and joy in creating something.

Do you have a passion like this, one that is not meant for the world, but for just you? Maybe it’s sketching,
or piano improv, decorating, or cooking. Whatever it is, don’t hide it in the closet, saying you’re too busy
or whatever. Pull it out and enjoy it!


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