If you spend any amount of time with me, you know that I love reading and collecting books! I think my love for this came from my dad, who always had a good book going. He read adventure books to us before we went to bed, theology books around the dinner table, and always recommended good reads to us kids. If we didn’t know for sure what to get him for Christmas or his birthday, we’d just need to find a good John MacArthur or Albert Mohler book to add to his collection (as he said, even if you don’t get a chance to read them, it’s nice knowing they’re on your shelf.)
I’ve been collecting books since I was around ten, so I have quite a few now! For years, it’s been my goal to completely read through all the books I own, but I keep buying more or borrow books from friends, so I’m afraid I’ll never get through them all. With that goal in mind, I rarely read through a book more than once - because there as so many others out there to read! There are, however, a few exceptions to this. Below are the books that I have read more than once and would even enjoy reading again. I would consider these books to be my favorites!
Millie Keith Series by Martha Finley (published by A Life of Faith)
I think I’ve read this 8-book series three or four times. They never get old - I could probably pull them out and enjoy them just as much now that I’m married! Hannah, Rebekah, and I read these books together when I was around 8 or 9, and I loved them then, too! The story is about a twelve-year-old girl whose family relocates to a new town. The series spans about ten years as she makes friends, falls in love, gets married, and later becomes a missionary. The story is strongly Christian and jampacked with fun adventures!
Robert Elmer books (Adventures Down Under, The Young Underground, The Promise of Zion, The Wall Series)
Again, these series were ones that Hannah read to us girls when we were little and ones that I have reread three or four times (and would still enjoy reading today!) All four series are Christian historical fiction, which got me started on my love of history (especially WWII). Stories are written for 8-12 years of age. (All four series, however, are sadly out of print. You can still find them on Amazon by private sellers)
Viking’s Quest by Lois Walfrid Johnson
As a young teen, this series was the rage with my group of friends! What’s not to love about this adventure story of a brother and sister who are kidnapped by Vikings and held captive for years. Again, this is Christian historical fiction, written for ages 8-15.
Alone Yet Not Alone by Tracy Leininger Craven
Amazing true story of two sisters who were captured by Indians during the 1800s. Love the history in this book!
A Thousand Shall Fall by Susi Hasel Mundi
I bought this book for my brother, but liked it so much I kept it. It’s an amazing true story of a Christian German who is forced to join the military during WWII and his family’s struggles back home during the starvation winter in Germany. Again, this is one that I’ve read several times and it never gets old!
Spiritual Books
Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss
This novel is written in the style of a journal, telling one girl’s story from a emotional, moody girl to a mature wife. This is so accurate, most (if not all!) girls will relate to Katie.
Before You Meet Prince Charming by Sarah Mally
As a teen, I struggled with wanting boys attention, and this book was one that hit me right between the eyes and encouraged me so much! I read my copy multiple times before giving it to a friend. (I love this book because it’s written to younger teens and doesn’t include inappropriate, graphic stories. While those stories are eye-opening, younger girls really don’t need to hear them. Very age appropriate - 10-15)
It’s (Not That) Complicated by Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin
A lot like the last book, but even harder hitting! I felt this book was written just for me - a conservative, homeschooled, stay-at-home girl. My younger brothers particularly liked this book because, after we girls read it, felt convicted to treat our brothers better.
For Women Only (and “For Men Only”) by Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn
While I read these books before I was married (and learned a lot!), Kris and I are going through them again and we have learned so much about each other! These are perfect to read together as a couple so you can discuss each topic covered.
There are other books that I’d like to revisit someday, so I’ll include those here:
Girl Defined by Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird
Love, love, love this book and these girls’ ministry! I’d recommend this book to any girl or woman, no matter her age! It covers something that we all struggle with - where we place our identity.
Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper
This book was incredible! I will be posting a review soon! :-)
The Nesting Place by Myquillyn Smith
This beautiful book is about how to decorate to create a home, also gives ideas for shopping with a small budget, encourages you to be creative with your “lovely limitations”, and reminds you to be content with what you have.
So, there’s my list of favorites! I hope to make a post soon with favorites and recommendations in different age categories and genres...some day!
What are some of your favorite books?
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