I have to be honest, I did have a hard time getting into it at first. I’m not a theologian and don’t understand all the terms he used. (But isn’t that one of the wonderful things about God? His message and love are simple enough for a child to understand, but so deep that no theologian can ever know everything about Him!) Some of it was hard to wrap my head around and it was hard to accept because I had been making my own glory the delight of my life. I had to force myself to go slowly through this book, stopping and thinking about what was said. It’s a hard hitting book for sure, but so, so worth it!
“Make much of Christ” is John Piper’s cry. Take stock of your life - your passions, where and how you spend your money and time - and hold it up to Christ. Does it bring him glory and honor? What is the purpose of your life? Who is the real Lord of your life?
I love the balance that John Piper gives - making much of Christ, giving Him glory in everything you do, does not mean to leave your current job or stop enjoying your life. God created every pleasure - the taste of good food, sexuality, relaxation, laughter, beautiful music, colors and landscapes. Each of these are God-given and He doesn’t give bad gifts.
Sometimes God calls us to the mission field - and that’s wonderful! But He doesn’t call everyone. Yet even in a secular work atmosphere, we can make much of Christ by staying in fellowship with Him throughout the day, sharing the gospel with others (by speaking it, and letting others see the difference in us by the way we work, talk, and behave), earning enough money to keep us from being dependent on others and being able to bless others, and joyfully using our creativity.
I can’t do this book justice with any review: there is so much that I want to say about it, but it would take too much time and space - just go read it! If you want your life to matter, if you want to make a difference for Christ, if you don’t want to say when your time on earth is done, “I’ve wasted it!”, then go read this!
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