{Pregnancy Update} The First Trimester

Being pregnant is different than I ever imagined it would be. Before, I had had romantic ideas of feeling slightly sick, relaxing on the couch while reading, and munching on crackers and popsicles throughout the day.

I never thought that the delightful smell of coffee brewing in the morning, cuddling with my husband, French fries, and smoked meat would send me running for my puke bucket. I didn’t know my hunger pangs would be replaced with nauseous waves (oh, maybe I should eat something…), or that I would have to eat like every hour to not feel sick. And I never thought I’d rather throw up first thing in the morning than eat a handful of dry Wheat Thin crackers before sitting up in bed. I didn’t know I’d judge what food to eat on a scale of how gross it would be thrown up (cheese? Out of the question! Applesauce, not too bad). I didn’t think about the embarrassment of throwing up in front of other people or disposing of the contents of my bucket. I never knew looking at my phone would make me even more nauseous. I didn’t know about the onslaught of excess saliva and how gross it is to swallow all that. I never expected to turn down a bowl of ice cream or a piece of chocolate because it just gave me even more saliva. I didn’t expect to always have to use the bathroom. (Darling, we need to stop again - I need to go!) I didn’t know I’d so quickly start to grow out of my bras or that my waist would start to swell (it can’t be baby this early on, can it??) I didn’t think I’d throw up or almost faint at my first midwife appointment.

But then, I didn’t know how comfy maternity clothes would be. I didn’t expect to be okay with a growing belly (even though most of it’s definitely not a baby). I didn’t know how motivated I would be to exercise or that I would want to do three prego workouts in a row just because it felt so good. I really didn’t know working out would make me feel less nauseous. Of all the food in the world to crave, I didn’t think I’d crave soup. I didn’t think that as much as I love children, I seem to love them even more and get so excited seeing other little babies. Didn’t expect to be able to picture what our baby could look like or what personality he/she might have. I didn’t know I’d get giddy thinking about my sweet, darling husband holding our little baby for the first time and just seeing him being an amazing dad (which he will be.) I didn’t know how much I’d love my midwife. I didn’t know I could feel our little baby move this early. I didn’t think it would be so unreal, yet so exciting!


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