We all know how we’re supposed to eat. We’ll make clever resolutions to exercise more or buy extra veggies and tell ourselves that we really will eat healthier this time.
None of this will work unless you have a workable plan and doable steps in place. And there is the cliche - how do you eat an elephant? (Healthy eating and living habits can certainly feel like a massive, uneatable elephant!) One bite at a time. Start small, and stay consistent.
Exercise tips:
Buy a fitness tracker watch - you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars since there are so many inexpensive options that track your steps and give “rewards” for reaching your goal for the day.
Do what you enjoy - lifting weights and doing pushups sound like torture to me. But dancing? That’s like calling ice cream a health food! I’d actually look forward to my daily workout.
Variety. This could be just me, but I get tired of the same old, same old. I like to mix up my workouts with different programs. If you don’t want to spend more money, there are several workout programs on YouTube, or you could just go for a walk instead of doing your normal thing.
Pay yourself to work out. I saw this idea on Pinterest and thought it was so clever! Each time you work out, put a dollar in a jar (for those of us who don’t really use cash anymore, just keep a tally of how many times you’ve worked out, then only let yourself have that much money). Then when you’ve saved up, buy something you’ve wanted for a long time. A new shirt, workout gear, a book, organizational stuff, whatever gets you excited.
Eating tips:
Buy only veggies and fruit that you like, then you will be more likely to eat them. I bought two spaghetti squash a couple months ago, but they just sat in the fridge cause we didn’t really like them. If you want to try something new, just buy it in small amounts to figure out if it’s worth your fridge and tummy space. :-)
Don’t go crazy and buy five different kinds of veggies that will probably turn to mush in your fridge. Just buy what you think you can handle.
Start small - add veggies to what you’re already eating. Add a side salad to burgers (and tomato, lettuce, and onion to your burgers), a piece of fruit with your toast in the morning, and a handful of veggies with your sandwich at lunch. Don’t tell yourself that someday you’ll completely change how you eat - never letting white flour, sugar, or junk food pass your lips - then happily go on your way. Make little changes now that will add up. Not many of us do well going cold turkey anyway.
Replace what you’re eating now with a healthier option. Replace potato chips with kettle chips, white bread with whole grain (I know 100% whole wheat can be gross, so try something like 9 grain that tastes amazing and is good for you!), Mrs. Butterworth syrup (with HFCS) to Log Cabin syrup (w/o that garbage), etc. Again, don’t do this overnight. Think of it as a journey.
Cut down on treats. Have one less scoop of ice cream, limit yourself to two cookies, and pass on the pop at a restaurant. I certainly don’t do well saying no to anything with sugar, but this way I don’t feel quite as deprived. :-)
Water tips:
Since getting pregnant, drinking enough water has not been a problem because I have become water obsessed. The only times that I don’t get enough water are when we’re gone for the day (Sundays, road trips) and I usually end up with a headache. I’ve been getting better at packing a couple water bottles on those days.
Kris and I downloaded the app “Water Minder”, and, when I used it, it really did help me want to drink more. When you set up the app, you put in your weight and it gives you a recommended water amountyou should be drinking each day. Using it is simple - just record each time how much water you’re drinking and it tells you how much more you need to reach your goal for the day.
Buy a fun water bottle. You’ll want to drink more if it’s cute. Kris just got me a straw and lid set for a mason jar and I’ve been loving it! (And, honestly, I’ve been drinking about an extra quart a day since he gave them to me.)
Other tips:
Read health books/blogs and watch health videos. This works surprisingly well for me. This whole blog post was inspired by the book “Eating Expectantly” that I’m currently reading through. Of course it’s for pregnant women, but the same principles will still work for anyone.
Take a multivitamin. You can get chewable ones that taste like candy, too! ;-) Consider yourself lucky - I have to take about a cup of gross swallowable pills every day. Ah, little baby, you are worth it, though!
Write blog posts about eating better and working out more. Just sayin’ ;-)
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