New Year’s Resolutions

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

It’s a deliciously fresh new year and, like millions of other people, I’ve sat down and written out some goals I’d like to complete in the next twelve months. I didn’t do this last year (probably the first New Year’s since I was ten that I haven’t), but life was crazy and new as a new bride and I was still getting used to things. :-)

Without goals, I have this annoying tendency to get distracted, then bored, then frustrated because I don’t feel like I’m getting anywhere or doing anything. When I have an end goal in mind, it’s so much more fun and inspiring to keep on going, to start and finish new things. I’ve always loved writing out goals for myself, and although I don’t always complete them, it’s so exciting to think of where I could be one year from now.

One problem I have had with writing out my yearly resolutions is that I’m too vague - I’ll put down “write more” or “exercise more” as a goal. Then when the new year comes around, I have no idea if I’ve accomplished that or not because I can’t remember what I was doing the year before. Sound familiar?

This year, I tried being more specific - I wrote “blog weekly (or as I’m able)” (I will be welcoming a new baby this spring, so my life will be changing a lot!), and “journal daily or at least weekly”.

Some years I try reaching for the stars with crazy, almost impossible goals, but this year, I tried to keep things achievable. I want to plant a garden this spring, but I know I will be busy with other things. So I will try to plant starts early, then stick to a few basic plants that I know we’ll use.

In previous years, I’ve always put down things that I want to start doing. This year, I’m putting down things I want to continue doing and learning, like doing my personal daily Bible reading, cooking healthily (still learning this one), menu planning, etc. And, just because it’s fun, I want to put down things that I know will happen anyway - this year is have a baby! :-)

This was just a simple chatty post, and I hope you enjoyed a more relaxed take. :-) Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions? And how did you do on last year’s?
