Today (April 3, when I wrote this post. You’ll probably be reading this at least a week later) marks week 38 for me - only two weeks until my official due date! I have no idea when baby Langdon will make his/her appearance, so I wanted to write this out before my pregnancy is over and I’ve forgotten all the little details about my third trimester.
I always imagined my third trimester would drag by and that I’d be feeling miserable and simply dying for everything to be over. But the last three months have gone by surprisingly quickly! We have settled into our house pretty well and I’ve gotten into my daily routine, which helps so much! I’ve kept on top of the house (doing deep cleaning that I know I won’t have time for once the baby’s here), gone through my baby stuff, read several books, baby-sat my nieces, nephews, and cousin a lot, started driving by myself a lot more (grocery shopping, to the chiropractor, to my sisters’). We hosted my family for two weeks, which was really fun, but also so nice as we were able to tackle a lot of projects like painting our bedroom and digging up a spot for our garden with their help.
As far as prego symptoms, things have been going pretty well. I haven’t suffered too much with heartburn (it’s actually lessoned quite a bit from my second trimester) - it will occasionally hit, but it’s not as bad as it used to be. I’ve had only mild swelling (on hot days, when I’ve been on my feet for a while, or at the end of the day) in my feet, ankles, and hands. In the last few months I’ve had an explosion of stretch marks across my belly, but there’s nothing I can do (or could have done) about that. It’s just one of those badges of motherhood honor.
I don’t have a full length mirror, so I don’t really notice how big I’ve gotten. Then I’ll randomly pass a reflective window and wonder if that’s really me (or is the window just making me look extra huge?) My belly definitely limits my mobility - simple tasks like shaving my legs and putting on my shoes are cumbersome.
I’ve tried to stay consistent with working out, but I haven’t been doing as well as last trimester. I’ve been more tired the last few months, which makes me dread working out. I’d rather just take a nap. But since my family has left, I’ve been working at doing something physical each day, even if it’s just twenty minutes. Hopefully I can keep that up until the baby’s born, but it’s okay if I can’t.
My cousin and sister-in-law were also expecting - and both just had their babies. So I’m next! It’s getting more real as my midwife brought the birth pool (which I plan to deliver in), and as we’ve been collecting birth supplies (like labor food!). My church put on a baby shower for me and I got so many wonderful gender neutral outfits, toys, books, etc. I’ve been slowly setting up the baby’s nursery (a room across the hall from ours, but we plan to keep the baby in with us, at least for the first few months) which has been so fun and is helping everything seem more real.
I still can’t comprehend that we’re going to have a baby - our own, flesh-and-blood baby! Life is going to change drastically for us, but in an amazingly, wonderful way! We both can’t wait to meet him or her! And I can’t wait to see Kris as a daddy! <3
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