Leg Shaving Tips

This is kind of a random post, but if any of you find these tips helpful like I did, it’s worth it. :-)

About a year ago, I was finally fed up with accidentally cutting my legs while shaving. It seemed like every
time I hopped out of the shower, I’d see a tiny trickle of blood running down one or both legs. I did some research
and found these tips to help eliminate accidental cuts. I don’t do everything every time, but I apply most of
these and now rarely slice myself.

1) Use a shaving gel. I purchased the cheapest gel our grocery store carried (under $2) and have been super
happy with it! If you run out, use conditioner. Do not use shampoo, as it gets a super close shave (which may
sound like a great idea at first, but the closer the shave, the higher chance of accidentally cutting yourself.)
You can even use this out of the shower. It’s a nice moistener, as well!

2) Save the shave till the end of your shower. The hair follicles will have softened in the warm water, making
it easier to shave.

3) Throw away all your cheap, two-blade razors and invest in a nice, at-least-three-blade razor. A higher quality
razor will last longer, too, which will save money in the long run.

4) Shave in smaller sections - instead of going from ankle to knee in one long swipe, divide your calf into three

5) If you’re still having trouble with slicing yourself, try shaving in a downward motion, going with the hair grain.
If you still want a closer shave, then follow up with an upward motion.
