9 Reasons Why I Keep a Journal

Photo by Ana Tavares on Unsplash

Keeping a journal does require discipline. It can get discouraging when thoughts don’t flow how you want them to, or you never seem to be able to stick to consistent entries. Is it really worth it? Below, I list my 9 reasons to keep a journal.

1) As you take the time to think about and write out your opinions, thoughts, and feelings, you’ll get to know
yourself better. Pondering and answering self-discovery questions helps with this, as well!

2) Without practice, none of us are very good at putting our thoughts into words. Journaling is a stretching exercise
that will help you grow in your communication skills.

3) The saying “practice makes perfect” is never more true than about your writing. If writing isn’t your strong
point, try to journal as if you were talking to your best friend. Don’t worry about structure, grammar, or spelling,
just let the words come. It may sound really bad or choppy, but the more you do it, the better you’ll get.

4) In our world of technology, how much handwriting are we really getting in? Keeping a daily journal forces
you to practice that handwriting. You’ll build up the arm muscles to write for longer periods, too.

5) It’s hard to see our own growth. Sometimes I’m tempted to think that I’m the same person I was when
I was 16 and that nothing has really changed. Then I read a couple pages in my teenage journal and take
a deep breath. Yup, I’ve grown up a lot. Over time as you journal, it’s fun and rewarding to see where you’ve
been and see the growth and maturity that’s taken place.

6) Taking a few moments at the end of your day to write out a page of daily happenings is relaxing and
helps you unwind. It may feel like a chore at first, but will soon become easier and more enjoyable.

7) Just got your first job? Starting a relationship with an amazing guy? Delivered your first baby? These are
milestones that you’ll want to remember everything about. It is so worth it to take the time to write out special
little details, your thoughts, and bits of your life now so years down the road you can look back and relive
those moments.

8) Not only does journaling help you get to know yourself better, it will help others get to know you, as well.
While a personal diary isn’t for the world, perhaps you’ll let your husband or future children read snippets
of it and catch a glimpse into your world.

9) And finally, you’re recording history. Don’t think so? I don’t think Anne Frank ever thought that her personal
diary would become a bestseller around the world. While we may not be going through the holocaust and
our journals probably won’t be published for the world to read (I shudder at that thought!), we can still record
what life is like in 2018. In 10, 20, or 30 years, how cool would it be for you and your children to look back
and see what life was like. I think it would be so neat to read journals written by my grandparents and parents
when they were young - why not create that for your future children?   


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