A disorganized, overstuffed fridge is one of my pet peeves. It’s frustrating not knowing what all is in your fridge and finding containers of moldy food or slimy vegetables that were hidden in the very back. Here are some ways that I organize mine:
Leftovers on the top shelf. If I can’t see it, it won’t get eaten. I started putting all leftovers and food that needs
to be eaten as soon as possible on the top shelf so it’s the first thing I see whenever I open my fridge. Because
I meal plan around my leftovers, this helps that go much faster, too! If, for some reason, we aren’t able to
get to the leftover food before it nears its expiration date, it’s easy to quickly bag it up and toss it in the freezer
for later.
Like condiments together. I seperate my fridge door shelves by basic condiments (ketchup, mustard, bbq
sauce, salsa), salad dressing and ingredients (apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, soy sauce, etc.), hot sauce
(we have quite a collection of Nali sauce from Malawi, Africa), and healthy stuff (tinctures, chlorophyll, probiotics,
coconut water).
Food with a short life span near the front where I won’t forget about them.
And of course the usual fruits and veggies in the bottom drawers and butter and cheese in the dairy drawer.
Designated spots for the regulars - eggs, peanut butter, milk, and mayonnaise. I always put these items
back in the same spot each time I’m done using them, so never have to go searching for them.
Since I’ve been following this basic plan, my fridge pretty much always stays in order. When I do get extra
groceries, have a pan of granola bars, or have a bunch of leftovers after a party in the refrigerator, it’s not
a problem to fill up all the shelves because it’s easy to go back to normal once that food is eaten up.
My freezers, on the other hand, are a different matter entirely. Still working on finding a method that keeps
them in order.
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