Our Family is Growing!

Very soon, Kris, baby Kris, and I will be leaving for Malawi, Africa. We are planning to bring a 4-year-old girl named Wezi back with us, fostering her with the intent to adopt. She has bone dysplasia and will need surgeries in order to walk, something she won't be able to get in Africa.

A little background: Kris's family started a crisis nursery in Malawi about ten years ago (they adopted one of the first babies to come to the nursery). The nursery takes in babies whose mothers have died, they take care of them until they are weaned, then the babies go back to their families (fathers, grandparents, etc.) Wezi's mom passed away shortly after giving birth to Wezi, so she (Wezi) came to the nursery. While there, they discovered her physical disability which would make village life impossible. She has been living at the nursery ever since. Kris's mom has gone to Malawi twice this year, working to bring Wezi here. A couple weeks ago, Wezi's grandma (the only relative who has any contact with her), signed papers consenting to W being adopted by us.

We are so excited for this new, crazy step. Wezi is a precious little girl and we can’t wait to meet her!

The next few weeks/couple months will be a little hectic around here, so I’m planning on running several old posts from previous blogs (plus my sister Lydia agreed to write a guest post for me!) I do have a few new posts as well that I plan on scheduling to publish while we are gone. At this point, I’m still hoping to stick to my 2-posts-a-week schedule, but we will see how things change over the next few months.

At the beginning of this year, my goal was to post once a week on this blog throughout the entire year. So far, I’ve kept up with that and I don’t want to break my record. ;-P I may reevaluate that at the end of the year, but right now I’m just taking one step at a time. I love blogging and don’t want to give it up, but I also don’t want it to take away time from my son and soon-to-be daughter.
