This is a guest post by my sister Lydia. Throughout the years, several of us sisters have kept journals and I love that just by example we've been inspiring each other to keep up the good work. I hope Lydia inspires you with this post!
So, if you feel like you don't have a real reason to journal, I've come up with a few that will hopefully keep you motivated!
1. Expand your writing skills. Stretching your skills in any area is so important! And journaling is a perfect way! You can be comfortable and yourself while still writing! And if you feel like writing by hand is too much, write on your computer. I did this for a while and it really was way easier!
2. To look back and see how far you've grown. I love looking back on my old journals and seeing what I was struggling with and seeing how far I've come. It's really cool!
3. Helps others get to know you. Even though I'm not married and am not going to be any time soon, I think showing my hubby my journal will give him a peek into my past. And even your children, I really love the idea of letting my kids read my journal (at the appropriate age) and seeing what my struggles were and how God helped me through them!
4. Prayer. Not always, but sometimes writing is easier than talking. Sometimes when I'm trying to pray I'll get distracted or just feel weird but when I'm writing it becomes a whole lot easier to pray to God. And then I can look back and see the miracles God has done!
5. Writing Bible verses or awesome quotes. I LOVE writing my favorite Bible verses down in my journal! I would forget them otherwise! =D I know some people like to have this in a separate journal, so if that's your thing you can do that, but I like having them together. You could also write down good quotes. I love doing this when I'm reading a good book!
I hope I inspired you to keep up the good work! Or if you haven't journaled before and you feel like you want to start up!
Good post! :-D