Update: Parents of 2!

Wezi Hope Langdon

It’s been three weeks since my last blog post. Since then, we’ve gone through a rollercoaster of emotion, travelled halfway across the world, flew through the Christmas season, and are now just trying to catch our breath.

While so much has happened in Malawi trying to get Wezi’s adoption finalized, I’ll just touch on the main points to get you all caught up.

We had had a couple different court dates planned, then canceled, pushing us to the very end of time limit. When things were finally rescheduled, we hoped to be able to finalize the adoption in one morning, drive five hours to the capital, spend the night, get Wezi’s visa in the morning, then fly out on Sunday.

Our scheduled court date Wednesday, December 12. While everything seemed to be going well, we found out that the social worker from the capital (5 hours away) needed to be there, but he hadn’t been informed. So court had to be adjourned until he could make it. Unfortunately, Kris needed to get back to his job, and we couldn’t stay in Malawi any longer.

It was very hard saying goodbye to Wezi. But knowing she was well taken care of, happy, and loved at the nursery made the parting easier.

A few days after we were home, there was another court hearing. We found out afterwards that the judge approved the adoption and Wezi is now legally our daughter!

The next step is bringing little Wezi home. We’re still working on how and when we’re going to do that.

Thank you so much for all your prayers, support, and encouragement! This journey hasn’t been easy, and while it’s not over, I can see how we’ve all grown over the last few months. Kris and I hadn’t spent that much time together since we’ve been married (2 months!), which was wonderful! I think we both grew in our faith, patience, and as parents. And little Kristopher has just gotten cuter.

I’m so looking forward to our little family being together again and starting normal life here!

This will be my last post in 2018. I’m amazed that I was able to keep up with my weekly posting schedule as well as I did - only missing the last two weeks. I’m excited to continue with this blog in 2019! So much has happened over the last twelve months and I can’t wait to see where the next twelve months will take me. Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. Congratulations, how exciting! We'll be praying that she gets to come home soon :-)


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