Writing and Reading Goals for 2019

Photo by Ella Jardim on Unsplash

I like to dream big. Every year when I write my New Year’s goals, I always shoot for the stars with crazy things I couldn’t ever accomplish. But this year, I tried to keep things realistic. I’m a mom to 2 little kiddos and I don’t want to reach the end of the year and be discouraged by all I didn’t accomplish. I want to look back and be proud of what I did accomplish. I’m giving myself lots of grace, but I want to push myself a little, as well.

I have lots of other personal goals, but below are my writing and reading goals for this next year.


My first goal is to continue posting twice a week on this blog. But I don’t want to post as much as possible just to keep up with my schedule. I want to improve my writing style and my content so that I’m producing the best posts for you to enjoy and so that I’m working on my skills as well.

Second goal is to journal daily. A few months ago, Kris bought me a 5-year journal where you just write out a couple lines describing your day. I’ve loved filling that out each day. And I also want to keep going with my own journal. I have gotten in kind of a rut with my personal journal, though, and I want to stretch myself there. I’m not exactly sure how, though. I’ll do some brainstorming and let you know what I come up with (that is, if it’s any good).

And my last goal is to write every day, but that doesn’t include blogging or journaling. I want to work on my own stories, writing just for the sake of writing and not worrying about what other people might think. Even if it’s just for half an hour a day - that adds up over time!


Like last year, I don’t want to give myself a specific number of books to read in this coming year. I decided to follow the Tim Challies' 2019 reading challenge to help me read books that I wouldn’t ordinarily think of reading.

I also want to read more with Kris. We’re actually starting out well with reading two books right now. I love learning and growing with him and am excited to continue this through the year!

Do any of you have reading or writing goals or any other goals for 2019?


  1. I haven't yet sat down and figured goals for the year. :-P But very much hoping to!


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