My Chore Lists

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Earlier this week, I posted about chore lists, and today I'm sharing my own list. This is by no means complete or perfect - I've just started this new method and though I'm excited about it, I know there will still be many adjustments as I figure out what works best for me. This is constantly being revised - as I'm finding new bigger jobs, I'm adding them to the long list at the end. I have a copy printed out and taped to my fridge so it's constantly reminding me of what I need to be doing.

This is not to say that I do or plan to do each of those extra jobs once a month. As I work my way through the list, I notice that some jobs don't need to be repeated as often - like washing our blankets. In that case, I'll just skip that and go on. I'd rather keep everything that needs to be done in one complete list rather than having several.

Also, if you're in a super busy stage of life, please don't feel bad or guilty about not being able to deep clean your house. I currently have one little baby who naps three times a day, so I have the time to tackle these jobs. 

Anyway, I hope you find this inspiring!

Make bed, put clothes away
Straighten up house
Do dishes, wipe counters, sweep
Wash one load of laundry (if needed)
1 bi-weekly or monthly job (alternate)

Plan week’s menu
Pick out week’s outfits
Change cat litter
Vacuum rugs and back entry

Make bed, put clothes away
Straighten up house
Do dishes, wipe counters, sweep
Wash one load of laundry (if needed)
1 bi-weekly or monthly job (alternate)

Spray down bathroom
Deep clean kitchen (microwave, toaster, coffee maker)
Dust - bedroom, living rm or kitchen/dining rm (alternate each week)

WednesdayMake bed, put clothes away
Straighten up house
Do dishes, wipe counters, sweep
Wash one load of laundry (if needed)
1 bi-weekly or monthly job (alternate)

Wind clocks
Mop kitchen/bathroom or wood floors (alternate each week)
Change cat litter

Make bed, put clothes away
Straighten up house
Do dishes, wipe counters, sweep
Wash one load of laundry (if needed)
1 bi-weekly or monthly job (alternate)

Wash Sheets
Vacuum rugs and back entry
1 kitchen cupboard/drawer (alternate each week)

Make bed, put clothes away
Straighten up house
Do dishes, wipe counters, sweep
Wash one load of laundry (if needed)
1 bi-weekly or monthly job (alternate)

Clean bathroom (don’t forget the shower!)
Sweep wood floors
Change cat litter
Alternate jobs
Move and clean behind couches and easy-to-move furniture
Sweep and mop upstairs/stairs
Vacuum basement
Sweep basement
Wipe down washer and drying (inside and out)
Dust fans
Vacuum vents
Vacuum couches
Clean door knobs and switches
Wipe down kitchen cupboard exteriors
Spray down sliding glass door
Wash living room windows
Wash dining room and kitchen windows
Wash bedroom windows
Wash front door
Wash back door
Clean out fridge (top included)
Clean oven
Spray down bedroom mirrors
Wash shower curtain
Wash blankets


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