An Update

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The few of your who read my blog have probably been wondering what’s been going on around here. My posting have majorly slacked in the last couple weeks.

About three weeks ago, I decided to cut back on baby Kristopher’s nursings and overnight I went from nursing him four times a day to just once in the morning and once in the evening. That worked for a couple days, then he decided he was done with breastfeeding. So in the course of about a week, we dropped four feedings.

The day we completely stopped nursing was the first day of my period. I was completely exhausted and just figured that was a side effect of my cycle. But my exhaustion continued once my period was finished. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I knew I wasn’t pregnant, but I felt like I had to fight just to clean the kitchen in the morning, then I’d lay on the couch completely worn out.

After a couple weeks of this, I decided to google my symptoms. I figured since I stopped breastfeeding that something was going crazy with my hormones. I’m not exactly sure if that’s the case, but I found out that many women deal with extreme fatigue after weaning their babies, especially if it’s done abruptly. So this was kind of normal.

It’s been a little over two weeks since I’ve been dealing with this and I’m slowly starting to feel more energetic. I’ve gone from spending hours just lying on the couch to finishing the usual every day chores on my list. And I mustered enough strength to paint our baby room - about one wall a day. I’m still not 100% back to normal, but I’m getting there, slowly but surely.

We’re also in the process of bringing Wezi back to the US. If all goes well (or, as my dad would say, “Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise”), Wezi will be joining our family in just a little over a week! I’ve been in a bit of a nesting mode, trying to get the nursery ready for her (hence, the painting in there) and wanting to tackle bigger projects around the house.

So my blog has fallen a little by the wayside. I decided that, instead of letting that stress me out and add more to my already-full plate, that I would just take a short blogging break. I’m not sure for how long - a month to six weeks. I want to be writing posts while I’m away so that I’ll have lots of new content when I come back, but we’ll see if I’ll get there.

I absolutely love blogging and hope to continue to keep this up as the years go by. I just need to remember that it’s lower on my list of priorities and it’s okay to take a little break every now and then. I have lots of ideas for this blog - I might be implementing big changes here while on my blogging break, but we’ll see. ;-)

In the meantime, I’d like to know - what are your favorite types of blog posts that I write? What would you like to see more of?


  1. I didn't realize how quickly you weaned him! Once you start that ball rolling, though, it's easy for it to come to a quick end! 😅

    As far as content, we always enjoy just hearing what's going on in your lives. And as you said to Lydia, goals and lists and projects are always inspiring! 😁

  2. I love all your scheduling and organizing posts!


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