Well, hey there!

It’s been a while since I’ve written a real, chatty blog post. I can’t believe my break from blogging was so incredibly long - almost 2 years! My life has been busy, yes it’s true, but seriously, I love blogging! I want to make time for the things I love and that bring me so much joy. I have been thinking and talking about getting back into blogging for forever, but that thought was always accompanied with “someday, when I have more time.” Or “once I get my schedule figured out, with a time block for each activity, THEN I can begin.” Well, my life doesn’t work that way. I never magically find more time, and the rare times I have finished all my pressing to-do list items, I look around stupidly, feeling lost and not quite sure where to start. So I’m not gonna pre-plan or schedule anything. I won’t buy a website domain or wait to publish until I have 4 fully edited and well-written posts ready to go. I’m just gonna start.

I’m sorry if this will be messy and sporadic. That’s kind of what my life is like these days. I’ll write when I can - and want to - and not stress about getting a certain number of posts out each month or making sure they have the same number of words or have the perfect header picture.

One quick thing before I move on to more posts and figuring out what to do with my blog. When we began our adoption process, we had to work with an adoption agency to bring Wezi home. One of their rules was that all their families who are in the process of adopting do not post pictures or specific updates about their child or the country they are adopting from. In order to comply with that rule, I had to take down several posts where I referred to Wezi, Malawi, and our adoption. But now that we’re finished with that process, I decided to put those posts back up, because they record an important time in our lives. I felt that they were respectful to Malawi and Wezi so I see no problem with keeping them up. They do only tell a tiny portion of our story because so much more happened once I stopped blogging. I do hope to write up our full story so that I have the complete record of Wezi’s adoption. I won’t share all the nitty gritty details here, but will share the big things.

Deciding to just start writing and actually sitting down writing this out was still a process for me. I had to find a comfortable chair, heat up pizza and munch on that, grab a blanket, sit down and get comfy, decide I wanted a footstool, so grabbed one. Opened my computer and started browsing my email. Got distracted and started thinking about sending a quick email and paying a bill. Decided against that. Then once I started writing, I opened up blogger and again was distracted by my old posts and trying to figure out why the website was being weird. I reposted some posts, then refreshed the page. It’s been so long since I’ve been in the habit of writing that I’ve forgotten how to just sit and write and let the words come and ignore everything else. I’m a little rusty, but can only get better with practice. Or as my daughter would say - “Prastice”

This is my awkward jump back into blogging. I’ll figure things out as I go and hope to have fun along the way. I do think it’s funny reading my old posts about organizing and scheduling because my life is so much different now and back then I had no idea what I was talking about. (I still don’t have any idea what I’m talking about. I mean, I only have two kids! I’m no expert!) So my blogging style could definitely use some changes, but I’m excited as to where this will take me.

What kind of posts would you all like to read on this blog? Let me know in the comments!
