Updated Day in My Life

Photo by Catt Liu on Unsplash

A couple months ago, I posted my daily schedule before our baby was born. I thought it would be fun to do an updated version because in just a matter of a few short months, our lives are going to change drastically again.

I don’t have a strict schedule that I follow for myself, since it kind of revolves around the baby. I have him on a feeding schedule, nursing him every 3 hours, and putting him down for his nap 1 ½ hours after the start of his last feeding. So how my day goes depends on what time I feed him in the morning. I usually aim for his first feeding of the day at 7, but he will sometimes wake up at 5 to nurse, so his next feeding will be at 8.

First thing’s first - our morning alarm which goes off at 6:15 (that’s our first “warning” alarm. The second goes off a few minutes later). This tired momma usually has a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, so I work on waking up while Kris changes the baby and starts coffee. We have our coffee and I usually nurse little Kristopher while reading our Bibles. A few months back, Kris quit eating breakfast in the morning, so we don’t have to worry about making anything before he leaves for work.

After Kris leaves for work (at 7:35), I write my to-do list for the day, then stick baby squirt in his bumbo, turn on Albert Mohler’s podcast “The Briefing” and clean the kitchen. I don’t do dishes the night before, so it can be quite a mess in the morning. When I’m finished in the kitchen, I straighten up the house, and make our bed. I eat breakfast whenever I’m hungry and I usually have 1-2 snacks before lunch. I make myself a healthy shake sometime in the morning and take my handful of pills.

When little man naps, I like to work on projects that I’d rather not do with him awake - things like clean out the cat litter, clean the bathroom, or mop (where he either can’t see me, or I have to move him around a lot.) I also will do menu planning, journaling, blogging, and writing (though I don’t usually do the last two in the morning) When he’s awake, I will work on vacuuming, folding laundry, picking out clothes for the week, and cooking where he can be in his seat close by. I like to finish all my housework before lunch.

During his first feeding after Kris leaves for work, I have my personal devotions. All his other feedings, I try to read whatever book I’m going through at the time.

Kris comes home for a 30 minute lunch at noon. I fix him leftovers or something quick and easy like French toast or sandwiches. After he leaves, I will work on extra projects like organizing, baking, or deep cleaning while little man is awake and writing and blogging while he’s asleep.

Kris comes home from work around 4:30. I usually know what I’m cooking for dinner and have it started by the time he’s home. K runs on the treadmill while I finish up dinner, then we eat together. During the evening, we will watch TV shows, read, and work on projects together. We usually go to bed around 9:00-9:30.

Little man wakes up 1-2 times per night and while I feed him, I will check social media and watch YouTube videos (though I’ve learned that I can’t watch super inspiring DIY or cleaning videos at night because I’ll get super inspired and can’t sleep. ;-P).

No two days are exactly alike, but this is a pretty good example of an average day in my life. I love it because I’m staying pretty busy, but am not overwhelmed by a crazy life.

I told Kris a couple weeks ago that I’m living my dream life right now - I’m a wife, mother, and I get to write on the side. I know life will just get busier from here, but I want to savor every stage and take advantage of every opportunity. In a few months, I know I’ll love looking back on my life right now and be able to relive these precious early months with my little baby.
