Image by Andreas Göllner from Pixabay
The other day while looking through old blog posts, I read through my previously posted daily schedule without children, and my day with just one baby. It was so neat to be transported back in time like that! And boy is my life different today! I want to keep writing out these posts as the years go on because I want to remember what a typical day looks like at each stage of our lives.
I don’t currently have a written-out, set-in-stone schedule. I did have one that we followed when we first adopted Wezi, but our lives and needs soon changed (Kristopher dropped his morning nap, Wezi couldn’t sleep at night because she was napping in the afternoon, etc.) and writing out another schedule just felt like too much work. Every day around here is different, every week is different, but this is what our typical day looks like if we’re not leaving the house (which is most days).
Kris and I get up around 6:30-7:00, read our Bible together, drink coffee, and spend some time together before he leaves for work at 7:45. Our children do wake up sometimes during this time, but they stay in bed/their rooms and look at books until it’s time for them to get up
I get the children up at 8:00 and ready for the day. I fix them breakfast which is either banana pancakes or oatmeal. After the kids eat, Wezi unloads the dishwasher and Kristopher empties the silverware basket (with supervision ;-) before they go play and I clean up the kitchen. How long that takes depends on if I cleaned the kitchen the night before or not.
I like to do school in the mornings. Wezi works on reading, math, and her kindergarten book while Kristopher builds puzzles, colors pictures, works on his preschool books and does some reading/sounds with me. We do school for an hour to an hour and a half. Once we’re done with school, I usually send the children outside to play while I work on stuff around the house.
Kris comes home for lunch around noon. We eat together, he leaves, then the kids get ready for quiet time. Quiet time is from 1-3. Wezi plays in her room (she has dolls, Legos, and books specifically for this time) and Kristopher plays upstairs in his room until he’s tired enough, climbs into bed, and falls asleep. I like to do my Bible reading, other reading, and journaling during this time, outside if it’s nice. I work on different chores or projects or rest if I need to as well.
I get the kids up at 3. I give them a snack at 3:30 and while they eat, I read a chapter or two from one of the books we’re going through (currently working through the Little House on the Prairie series).
The rest of our afternoon usually varies quite a bit. Sometimes I work out, start dinner, work on projects or chores, etc. The children usually play with Duplos or color, and Wezi does her workouts (if she didn’t do them in the morning). Kris comes home from work around 4:30. We eat dinner at 6:00.
With the warmer weather, we sometimes take the kids out front to ride their bikes. Otherwise, we’ll watch a show as a family, before reading the Bible, reading a couple books, praying together, then putting the kids down for bed at 8:00. We gave Wezi a lamp for her room that she can use at night to look at books until she’s ready for sleep (or until we tell her it’s lights out. :-)
Kris and I stay up a couple hours later, watching shows, cleaning up, reading, playing a game, etc, before heading to bed.
This is a pretty typical day in our home! We definitely have days where we don’t do school, or are busy with other projects (like braiding Wezi’s hair or folding 5 baskets of clean laundry while watching shows). At least one night a week, Kris is gone for the evening, so I tackle our evening routine on my own, plus have some alone time once the kids are in bed. And I still swing back and forth from having too ridged of a schedule to feeling completely lost, like the day is running away with me hanging on frantically trying to keep up. I’m trying to find balance, figure out what’s most important for our family right now, and not stress about the rest.
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